The new book series 'AGENT - Amsterdam/Gent - New Theses in Performance Research' will be lauched on Saturday 15th of June, from 18.00-19.00, preceding the SNDO graduation performances in Theater Frascati, Nes 63 Amsterdam.
AGENT aims to provide a public forum for the dissemination of excellent research in the fields of Theatre and Performance Studies. It encourages outstanding young researchers to contribute their Master and PhD dissertations focusing on topics related to dance, theatre and performance in a global context. At the launch event the editors, professors Kati Röttger (Head of the Institute of Theatre Studies, University of Amsterdam) and Katharina Pewny (Director of research center S:PAM Studies in Performing Arts and Media, Ghent University), will give an introductory lecture, after which the first two books will be officially presented and handed to the Artistic Director of SNDO, Gabriel Smeets.
Open the download (PDF) for more information. The event ends with a moderated discussion with young AGENT authors about the relationship between theatre/performance research, theatre practice and society. The AGENT book series appears with Tectum Verlag
Entrance is free and a drink for toasting will be provided, so please spread the word!
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