Without being entrepreneurial no museum or heritage organizations will survive… This seems common ground by now and is often repeated by politicians, directors, in news media etc. Especially since government support went down, a lot of cultural institutions have changed their attitudes and started to present themselves as cultural entrepreneurs.
But what does it mean to be an entrepreneur in the cultural sector? And how does it work for medium size and smaller organizations? Is it about money? About public support? Or a big network of cooperating partners? What makes a cultural entrepreneur successful, here in the Netherlands and abroad? During this Heritage Arena we will benefit from the 15 case studies – 5 in each country - recently conducted by the EMPHOS-team, presenting a rich harvest of very different aspects of cultural entrepreneurship. Representatives of the Dutch case studies will share their stories with you. What is applicable in your organization?
Reinwardt Academy and Landschap Erfgoed Utrecht participate in the Erasmus+ project ‘EMPHOS’ (Empowering Museum Professionals and Heritage Organizations Staff by cultural entrepreneurship training and research), together with the University of Bologna, Goldsmith University in London and Ciape in Rome. On April 12. these international partners will be guests in the Heritage Arena offering a great opportunity to compare the approach towards entrepreneurship in Italy, UK and The Netherlands.
This Heritage Arena in the Reinwardt Academy (Hortusplantsoen 1-3, 1018 TZ, Amsterdam) in English, starts at 20.00 h and will be moderated by lecturer Marc Pil. Entrance is free after registration via Reinwardt Community.