Wednesday 3 May 2017, 19:30-21:30 hrs.
Film Academy cinema
Anna Bromley`s installations, performances, sound works, and exhibitions involve ways of speaking within representational frameworks - institutionalized political speech, the rhetorics of knowledge-markets, the tactical small talk within cultural institutions, or the manufacturing of „civil bodies“ before the law. Taking this as a starting point, Bromley‘s projects explore articulations of many-voiced beings and current manifestations of post-representational desires, such as the human microphone. „You do not represent us“ is a a much-heard slogan that could be heard in the the anti-globalization protests of the 2000`s, in the young protests“ of 2010 in Spain, and again recently in the realm of the anti-Trump-walkouts.
In her lecture, Bromley will give insights into her research and studio processes. Screening sound and video works, she will demonstrate how she introduces collective thought processes in workshops, dialogues and collaborations. This will lead her to discuss the possibilities of post-representational montage within sound, image and her curatorial work. Subsequently, Bromley will talk about how she‘s going to challenge the radio presenter`s role in her upcoming radio piece at the documenta, in which she collaborates with artist and writer Brandon LaBelle.
About Anna Bromley
Anna Bromley is an artist and writer. Her recent projects include exhibitions and conferences which deal with figurations of the circumvention of neoliberal values (Irregular – Economies of Deviation, nGbK Berlin, Doing Nerd, Heinrich-Böll-Foundation Berlin; The Fermentation Pavilion, Fondazione Forma Milano), with queer temporalities (What is queer today is not queer tomorrow, nGbK Berlin), with real time mastery over body and psyche (Dreams & Dramas - Law as Literature, nGbK Berlin; Therapeutic Alliances, Kampnagel Hamburg) and finally with queer-feminist aesthetics of cheering laughter (Redemption Jokes, nGbK Berlin). She co-edited the books Glossar inflationärer Begriffe (Berlin, 2013) and Jokebook (Berlin, 2015). Together with Brandon LaBelle, she currently develops the radio work Laugh of The Hyposubject, a multipart broadcast for the documenta14.