Event ARIAS 17 March: Doctorate in the Arts Round Table Discussions & Hinterlands Book Launch

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On Thursday March 17 ARIAS is organising an informative morning for all those interested in doctorate in the arts trajectories, and a celebration lunch on the completion of the first ARIAS book publication: Hinterlands How to do Transdisciplinarity? The AHK-research groups will also play a part during this event: The peer-to-peer learning environment for artistic research practices on third cycle level in THIRD (Das Research, Academy of Theatre and Dance) and The new AMMA Academy for Musicology and Musicianship Amsterdam (Music Research Group, Conservatorium Amsterdam). The event will take place at 9:00 AM — 1:00 PM at International Institute of Social History (Zeeburgerkade 10 Amsterdam).

Doctorate in the Arts Round Table Discussions 

What are the artistic research doctoral degree options in Amsterdam, and how are they organised and assessed? For those looking for doctoral degree programmes, ‘Set Your Compass’ is a day to meet the ARIAS partners and explore artistic doctoral degree trajectories in Amsterdam. Short presentations and several roundtable talks answer and ask questions to those ready to embark on any type of doctorate research in the arts. All that join get a taste and a better understanding of the post-Master research possibilities in Amsterdam – now and in the near future. For pre-reading on doctorate in the arts trajectories in Amsterdam click here

The trajectories to be discussed are as follows:  

1. PhD in the Arts options with practice-based or artistic components at University of Amsterdam or VU Amsterdam 
2. Creator Doctus (CrD) a societal oriented artistic research doctorate at the Gerrit Rietveld Academie 
3. The peer-to-peer learning environment for artistic research practices on third cycle level in THIRD (Das Research, Amsterdam University of the Arts)  
4. The new AMMA Academy for Musicology and Musicianship Amsterdam 
5. The upcoming Professional Doctorate programme that is currently under development between the ARIAS partners 

Book launch Hinterlands 

It is with great pleasure that on this day ARIAS also celebrates and launches its first book publication: Hinterlands, How to do Transdisciplinarity. A cross-section of artists-researchers working within the network over the past years reflected on 'transdisciplinarity' through their research practice(s) and contributed to this book in different forms; reflective and/or poetic in style, narrated by single and multiple author(s), written out conversations, interviews and a graphic story. The editors, some authors, and other researchers present and respond to the book. 

Contributions to the Book by (in order as they appear in the book), Salomé Voegelin, Laura Cull Ó Maoilearca, Sher Doruff, Jeroen Boomgaard, Sabine Niederer, Andy Dockett, Carlo De Gaetano, Paula Albuquerque, Erik Rietveld, Ektor Ntourakos, Alice Smits, Raoul Frese, Špela Petrič, Miha Turšič, John Miers, Nienke Scholts, Ilse van Rijn, Katie Clarke, Maaike Muntinga, Eliza Steinbock, Imara Limon.

Please register for the event on the ARIAS-website, click here.
