
All Bachelor’s and Master’s study programmes that the AHK offers are accredited by the Accreditation Organisation of the Netherlands and Flanders. That means that you can use the title Bachelor or Master after completing the study programme. The title that you receive is mentioned in the study programme description on this website. The track that you followed is stated on your degree certificate. Up until 1 January 2014, the degrees of university study programmes were not equal to those of higher professional education. The Bachelor/Master of Arts and Bachelor/Master of Science degrees were only permitted for university study programmes. Since 1 January 2014, it has been made legally possible for universities of applied sciences to also award these degrees. The study programmes of the AHK make use of this possibility. The actual award of the new degrees can only take place after the Accreditation Organisation of the Netherlands and Flanders has given permission for this. This is now the case for all AHK's Bachelor's and Master's programmes.

see also
Study programmes overview

Bachelor's degrees

CROHO Programme Old degree New degree Effective as of
34798 Dance Bachelor Dance Bachelor of Arts (BA) November 2014
34940 Dance in Education Bachelor Dance in Education Bachelor of Education (BEd) November 2014
34735 Cultural Heritage Bachelor Cultural Heritage Bachelor of Arts (BA) November 2014
34733 Film and Television Bachelor Film and Television Bachelor of Arts (BA) January 2015
34860 Theatre Bachelor Theatre Bachelor of Arts (BA) May 2015
34745 Theatre in Education Bachelor Theatre in Education Bachelor of Education (BEd) May 2015
39100 Fine Art in Education Bachelor Fine Art and Design in Education Bachelor of Education (BEd) May 2015
39112 Music in Education Bachelor Music in Education Bachelor of Education (BEd) May 2015
34739 Music Bachelor Music Bachelor of Music (BMus) June 2015

Master's degrees

CROHO Programme Old degree New degree Effectice as of
49103 Choreography Master Choreography Master of Arts (MA) November 2014
44733 Film Master Film Master of Arts (MA) January 2015
44874 Theatre Master Theatre Master of Arts (MA) May 2015
80168 Associate Degree Classical Ballet   Associate Degree (AD) September 2020
49117 Education in Arts Master Education in Arts Master of Education (MEd) May 2015
44739 Music Master Music Master of Music (MMus) June 2015
49105 Opera Master Opera Master of Music (MMus) June 2015
44336 Architecture Master Architecture Master of Science (MSc) September 2015
44337 Landscape Architecture Master Landscape Architecture Master of Science (MSc) September 2015
44338 Urbanism Master Urbanism Master of Science (MSc) September 2015
49150 Applied Museum and Heritage Studies   Master of Arts (MA) September 2020

Frequently asked questions about the new degree system

There is still an old degree on my degree certificate. Can I exchange my degree certificate when the new degree has been introduced? May I use the new degree?
The only degree that you are allowed to use is the degree on your degree certificate. That also applies if graduates from the same study programme have later obtained another degree designation. The new title only applies to holders of a degree certificate on which this new degree is specified. It is not possible to exchange your degree certificate.

How can I prove that the old and new degree are equal?
The study programme cannot issue a statement that a previously obtained degree (for example Bachelor) is equivalent to the new degree (for example Bachelor of Arts). You may, however, state (for example on your curriculum vitae) that the study programme you followed currently issues the new degree.

I lost my degree certificate or my degree certificate has been damaged.  Can I obtain a new degree certificate?
No, that is not possible. A degree certificate is a legally valid document and is issued once-only. The only exception is if someone has changed sex. In that case, the original degree certificate can be exchanged for a new degree certificate.

You can, however, request a copy from the study programme. Copies have been kept of degree certificates that have been issued since 1990. If no copy of the degree certificate exists, the Examinations Board can, on the basis of your records, issue a declaration of the study results, with the date on which these were obtained.

I dropped out of the study programme without a degree certificate and would still like to obtain my degree certificate.
It is not possible to obtain an ‘old’ degree certificate at a later date.  However, you can submit a request to the board of studies of your study programme in order to be able to complete the degree programme in accordance with the current requirements.  The study programme is not obliged to offer this possibility and can set additional requirements, for example doing an entrance test or assessment. If completing the study programme is allowed, the current regulations will apply (including the Higher Education and Research Act and the Teaching and Examination Regulations). The board of studies will establish which course components are still available, but also which of the course components passed have, in the meantime, become obsolete and which new components the curriculum includes. In order to pass these study components, an individual study path is determined. This must be approved by the Examinations Board. When completing the study programme, students are not allowed to apply for exemptions based on skills that were required after dropping out of the study programme.

I dropped out of the study programme without a degree certificate and would like a statement of the results that I obtained.
You can request a statement from the Examinations Board on the basis of your study records. The statement will include which years you were enrolled, which courses you passed, the accompanying workload and the date on which the courses were passed.
