The AHK and sustainability
At the Amsterdam University of the Arts (AHK), we are aware of our social responsibility in terms of sustainability. That is why we make an effort to limit our negative environmental impact as much as possible. Curious how do we do that and how you can contribute to that? In the infographic Sustainability Road Map, you will find the road map that we have outlined in order to be able to call ourselves a carbon-neutral and circular AHK by 2035.
Sustainable Development Goals
The AHK has signed a commitment to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations together with the other Dutch universities of applied sciences. In this way, the AHK is devoting itself to a better world and generating impact. With these 17 goals, the United Nations wants to make the world a better place by 2030 and is therefore focusing, among other things, on combating poverty, health, education and clean drinking water. The AHK believes it is important to participate in this and has been concentrating, even before the SDGs were introduced, on the following five subjects:
Quality of education
The AHK stands for excellent education: exceptionally talented students are given the opportunity at the AHK to develop their artistic identity on the basis of professionalism and tradition, with an eye for innovation and closely intertwined with the field of work. Further strengthening the quality of the education and the level of the teachers/lecturers is a continuous ambition in the educational development of the AHK.
Gender equality
The AHK strives to eliminate gender inequality in education. With an above-average number of women in (higher) management, teaching and research, and a student population 56% of which are women, the AHK is contributing to equality between men and women.
Reducing inequality
The AHK strives towards reducing inequality by enabling and fostering the social, economic and political inclusion of everyone, irrespective of age, sex, functional impairment, race, ethnicity, origin, and social, cultural or ideological background.
Sustainable cities and communities
In its research, the AHK focuses, among other things, on the contributions that art, culture and the creative industry can make to the liveability of urban environments, in particular the Amsterdam Metropolitan Area, and to the energy transition.
The AHK also wants to reduce the environmental impact of its own business operations, among other ways by devoting special attention to its waste management. The AHK has an environmental management system in which it has been formulated as objective that attention must be devoted to sustainability aspects when purchasing services and goods. This means that the environmental impact of purchases in the production, delivery, use and waste phase must be as low as possible, and social and health and safety aspects must also be taken into account. The AHK separates its waste as much as possible and collaborates with a partner that is responsible for the reuse of the waste as much as possible.
Climate action
The AHK is aware of its social responsibility for its living environment and the possible impact on the environment through the use of buildings and facilities. That is why the AHK endeavours to limit this impact as much as possible. The energy policy is also focused on continuous improvement of the environmental performance of the AHK. The AHK currently generates 9% of its energy itself through the use of solar panels, three times as much as the national average.
Sustainability documents
Richtlijnen duurzaam inkopen (Sustainable purchasing guidelines) (PDF)
Kopieer- en printbeleid (Photocopying and printing policy) (PDF)
Energiebeleidsverklaring (Energy policy statement) (PDF)
Management review duurzaamheid 2022 (Management Review Sustainability 2022) (PDF)
Management review duurzaamheid 2021 (Management Review Sustainability 2021) (PDF)
Management review duurzaamheid 2019 (Management Review Sustainability 2019) (PDF)
Management review duurzaamheid 2018 (Management Review Sustainability 2018) (PDF)
Management review duurzaamheid 2017 (Management Review Sustainability 2017) (PDF)
Energie Efficiency Plan 2017-2020 (Energy Efficiency Plan 2017-2020) (PDF)
Energiezorgsysteem AHK 2017-2020 (Energy Management System AHK 2017-2020) (PDF)
Sustainability Road Map (PDF)
Sustainability Platform

In 2012 the Sustainability Platform (Duurzaamheidsplatform) was established, the aim of which is to increase awareness regarding sustainability among students and staff. The Sustainability Platform meets eight times a year. If you have any suggestions or questions about sustainability, please contact the contact person of your academy:
Mirjam Kloosterman (contact Amsterdam University of the Arts)
Esther Mapp (contact Academy of Architecture)
Ralph Roosen (contact Breitner Academy)
Mike Arends (contact Conservatorium van Amsterdam)
Stéphanie Dekker (contact Netherlands Film Academy)
Jurriën van der Zaal (contact Reinwardt Academy)
Sjoerd Sporken (contact Academy of Theatre and Dance)
Edit Man in t’ Veld (contact Service Bureau)
Stijn de Vries (contact Housing and Management)
Günhan Etker (contact Information Technology and Automation)
Eva Kol (contact Communications)