Rethinking Contemporary Archival Practices

Clàudia Díez Gómez (Master Applied Museum and Heritage Studies) graduated with her thesis: Rethinking Contemporary Archival Practices: Towards a Participatory and Accessible Approach to the Oude Kerk’s Open Archive.
Clàudia: 'This report explores the development of the Oude Kerk’s intervention and theories related to participation, archiving and participatory archiving. But at the same time, it is also a completely pragmatical work that provides the Oude Kerk with feasible and concrete recommendations to incorporate participatory practices as a core topic in the open archive, such as particular suggestions to include a space for user contributions in the digital environment of the open archive or the dedication of a room of the church to the project to establish in-person participation. In this regard, it is a completed work that blends theory and practice together and offers a solid and innovative strategy for participation that could be further implemented into practice by the institution.

It is a relevant work that explores the new tendencies and practices in relation to archiving in the heritage sphere, but it also investigates issues of participation and inclusivity in relation to the Oude Kerk’s open archive and, in a broader sense, in relation to the global cultural field. Therefore, this is where the connection with the outside world relies on: it is a work that recognizes the value that heritage has for human beings and the relevance of their participation in the cultural dimension, so it researches ways to include audiences in heritage processes with the mission of democratizing knowledge and culture, and offering real participatory settings in which people can take real action. Additionally, it is a work that facilitates the further development of the profession since it questions topics such as participation, inclusivity and accessibility, and it highlights the importance of these aspects in the current heritage field to foster cultural democracy as a core value of our society.'

Rethinking Contemporary Archival Practices: Towards a Participatory and Accessible Approach to the Oude Kerk’s Open Archive  (PDF)

"It is a work that recognizes the value that heritage has for human beings and the relevance of their participation in the cultural dimension."


Menno Welling, Programme Manager Master: 'Clàudia has been an exemplary student throughout the programme. Her graduation research project on the establishment of a participatory open archive at Oude Kerk was not only of high quality, it was also completed within the set timeframe of 3 months. In her work she successfully bridges heritage principles with the art sector.'

Marianne van der Zwaag, curator Oude Kerk Amsterdam: 'The Oude Kerk has been a place of gathering for more than 700 years, which has been used in very different ways by all kinds of groups of people. How can the archive do justice to the intangible, referring to the use of the place? And how can it be an open place with access for all? Within this challenge, Clàudia focused on how participation could take place and how it could contribute to the open character of the archive. Each time I was struck by Clàudia's investigative and innovative attitude towards her assignment and study, this proved to be crucial in the development of her assignment at the Oude Kerk.'


A project by:

Clàudia Díez Gómez
