De Tussenfase Belicht
Marit Wagemans (Fine Art in Education, Breitner Academy) graduated with her installation De Tussenfase Belicht. In her installation of acrylic plates with glass paint, Marit pays tribute to the in-between phase and its memories.
Marit Wagemans, in her installation of acrylic sheets painted with glass paint, pays homage to the transitional phase and its associated memories.
Marit: “By using light, I allow the images to flow into one another, with the visitor’s position in the space determining what they perceive. I created and exhibited this work during the Breitner Academy graduation show in July 2024.
What connects my work to the outside world are the themes of transition and liminality, which are particularly relevant in our rapidly changing society. It invites viewers to reflect on moments of change in their own lives and the emotions that accompany them. Through the use of light and the influence of the viewer’s position, I create a dynamic experience that highlights the complexity of memories and the impact of life’s transitions.”
Marit aspires to use her art to bring a fresh perspective to how art is perceived and created. She aims to produce work that combines both abstract and figurative elements, enabling her to reach a wide audience and connect the subject or theme of her work to its materials. As an artist, she believes it is important for her work to offer multiple layers—not just conceptually, but also visually.
Oskar Maarleveld, Art Instructor at the Breitner Academy, and external expert Eric Sep: “De Tussenfase Belicht, is a highly convincing total installation where all individual components contribute. The arrangement and composition of the perspex sheets, the colour choices, the way the space is organised, the lighting, the integration of the spotlights into the walls, and even the skirting boards all work together seamlessly.”