Yalda: the Longest Night - Faydim Ramshe
In her documentary Faydim shares her feelings of being torn being two home countries
Nominee AHK Eindwerkprijs 2021: Faydim Ramshe
Studies: Directing Documentaries (BA), Netherlands Film Academy
Graduation project: Yalda: the Longest Night
Medium: Short documentary
Faydim Ramshe, graduate in Directing Documentaries (BA) at Netherlands Film Academy, AHK / Amsterdam University of the Arts.
While Faydim, thirteen years after her emigration to the Netherlands, struggles with feelings of nostalgia and lack of her homeland Iran, her younger brother asks her to help him with the preparations for his immigration to the Netherlands. This prompts Faydim to reconsider her own choices.
This “eindwerk” or graduation project was one of eleven graduation projects nominated for the AHK Eindwerkprijs 2021, the Graduation Award of the Amsterdam University of the Arts.
On February 10th 2022 AHK / Amsterdam University of the Arts will announce the winners of the AHK Eindwerkprijs 2021: the awards for a master and a bachelor graduation project, and the AHK Graduation Audience Award 2021. For her project 'Yalda: The Longest Night' Faydim Ramshe was awarded with the AHK Bachelor's Graduation Prize 2021.
You can view the recording of the livestream of the AHK Graduation Award Ceremony on Thursday 10 February 2022 via this page.
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