Module | Launch your project
From concept idea to professional project
Learn in four classes how to turn a concept idea into a professional and successful project!
Have you been brooding on an idea, perhaps together with others? Do you think it is finally time to turn this idea into a professional project? Or are you already creating your own project, but not sure how to get the finances in place for the initial phase? Not sure how you should go about communicating with your potential audience? And how to you convince important decision-makers such as event programmers and gatekeepers that your project deserves their interest? Do you want to give your own idea the kickstart it deserves? Then this module is for you!
Class 1 | From idea to concept
19 January from 19:00-21:30, by Wendy van Os
In this lesson you will learn to turn your idea into a concept. What are you actually creating and for whom? And why? Your concept is the framework for all parts of the project and is therefore the starting point of the module. You will learn the building blocks of a well thought out concept and tools to articulate your ideas clearly both on paper and verbally.
Class 2 | Inside the minds of gatekeepers
26 January from 18:00-20:00 by Astrid Rose
In this lesson we invite important stakeholders and decision-makers. You receive first-hand advice on how, for example, you can get on top of the pile of the programmer, curator, network manager or the television program you would like to be seen (in). How do you increase the chance that your project will be reviewed or end up in a streaming list? In short; how is your project perceived by the right 'decision makers' and how will it get the stage it deserves? Receive tips and tricks directly from the field during this lesson. This way you have the opportunity to ask them all your questions yourself.
Would you like to only follow this class? Buy your single ticket for 7,50 euros here.
Class 3 | Create your unique story
2 February from 18:00-20:00 by Astrid Rose & Dalida de Graaf
In this lesson you will learn to use your unique story to make your concept even more powerful. You will work with your own concept from lesson 1 and the input of the key figures from lesson 2. You will learn how to sharpen your concept and add your own unique story to stand out. You will learn how to put yourself in the shoes of the person who takes care of your project and how to name what is important to your audience. You will learn how to tailor your concept for different target groups with the aim of reaching these people best.
Class 4 | The financing mix & Fundraising
9 February 18:00-20:00 by Simone van Bennekom
In this lesson you will learn how to get and earn money with and after developing your project. How do you get money for your concept plan so that you can actually develop it? How can you (continue to) earn money with a finished project? How do people within and outside the creative sector do this and what can we learn from them? In this lesson you will learn: what a revenue model is, what fundraising, crowdfunding, friend systems and sponsoring are. With your developed concept and skills, you now know how to stand out among financiers so that your project gets the stage it deserves.
Would you like to only follow this class? Buy your single ticket for 7,50 euros here.
Practical info
This trainingcourse is for both English and Dutch speaking students and alumni. The main language will be English, but the teachers are all Dutch speakers. Any question can be asked in both languages and the powerpoint will be Dutch and English.
Who it’s for
This module is for AHK students and alumni.
The fees for this module are 20 euros. Please note: due to the current COVID-19 measures we will be teaching this course online.
Any questions? Just email us at
19 January: From idea to concept
26 January: Inside the minds of gatekeepers
2 February: Create your unique story
9 February: The financing mix & Fundraising