11 March | Creating a project plan: tips and tricks

Damani Leidsman
What will you learn during this evening?
How do you put down your ideas clearly on paper? How do you write a project plan that is in line with who you are and your artistic vision, and which is also in line with funds and financial backers? Open up your notebook already. In the workshop of this evening, we will delve deeper into your artistic identity, dive into the theory and set to work on writing exercises. From initial idea to fully-fledged project plan; that will soon become second nature to you.
About Damani Leidsman
Damani Leidsman is a performing artist, creative producer, and arts and culture adviser. He believes that everyone deserves to find a sustainable way of working. He will dive deep into the subject matter with you and provide you with insight into an artistic and business way of working. Damani is co-founder and board member of CLOUD/Danslab, a platform for dance and movement research. He worked as an adviser for the Amsterdam Fund for the Arts (AFK), CultuurSchakel and CAWA, the committee that provides advice regarding applications submitted to the City of Amsterdam’s Estates department for studio/living spaces in creative hubs.
The programme
This workshop is conducted in English
18:30-19:00: A Warm Welcome | Meet your fellow students, expand your network.
19:00-21:30: Tips & Tricks | The instructor will tell you everything you need to know as a starter.
21:30-22:00: Networking | The bar is open. Chat with your fellow students or ask your questions to the instructor.
- This workshop is free(*) for current AHK students and recent graduates (after 2020).
*If you are an AHK alumnus who graduated before 2020 or an external visitor, you are also very welcome! You can purchase a ticket for €12,50 here.
(PLEASE NOTE: You will be redirected to the Academy of Theatre and Dance's ticketing platform. That's correct! You can order your ticket there).