12 February | How to ensure fair pay?

What will you learn during this evening?
How do you get paid? And how much? During this evening, you will learn which options exist and their advantages and disadvantages. You will learn what you can ask for your work and how you can calculate a fair hourly rate. You will also find out how you can negotiate that rate in a smarter way, as you will come to understand what should be taken into account when setting your rate. You will know where you need to look for good reference rates and what fair pay actually means in practice. In this way, you will never work for too little money again.
About Martijn Arnoldus
Martijn Arnoldus is the founder of Social Finance Matters, which is devoted, among other things, to fair pay in the creative and cultural sectors. He has been active in, with and for the cultural sector for more than 20 years. For example, Martijn also works for Platform ACCT, which designs solutions for fair pay for the cultural and creative sectors, as well as for CLICKNL, the knowledge and innovation network of the creative industry that helps steer Dutch innovation policy.
The programme
This workshop is conducted in English
18:30-19:00: A Warm Welcome | Meet your fellow students, expand your network.
19:00-21:30: Tips & Tricks | The instructor will tell you everything you need to know as a starter.
21:30-22:00:Networking | The bar is open. Chat with your fellow students or ask your questions to the instructor.
- This workshop is free(*) for current AHK students and recent graduates (after 2020).
*If you are an AHK alumnus who graduated before 2020 or an external visitor, you are also very welcome! You can purchase a ticket for €12,50 here.
(PLEASE NOTE: You will be redirected to the Academy of Theatre and Dance's ticketing platform. That's correct! You can order your ticket there).