9 October | Grab attention with your cover letter

About Sylvie Mellenberg
Sylvie Mellenberg is the expert of the evening. She is a language and communication specialist who helps you find answers to questions like: How do you structure a good text? When is an argument sufficiently supported? Sylvie has been working for the Academy of Theatre and Dance for years as a communication trainer and writing coach, and she understands the questions you have.

What are we going to do?
There's always a lot to say about yourself, but what choices do you make, and how do you do it in a way that others understand? What does an employer/client want to know about you, how can you describe it concretely, and how do you differentiate yourself from others?

We will tackle these challenges:

  1. The job application process in general
  2. Writing a profile (for your resume)
  3. Writing a letter that not only sells yourself but also focuses on the common ground between you and the organization you want to work for.

Sylvie: "My background is as an independent communication trainer and NLP coach, and because I found my education clients the most enjoyable, I wanted to have an official teaching qualification. I pursued a teaching qualification in Dutch language at a later stage in life. I have been teaching at AHK for about fifteen years, initially only in modules related to communication skills, and now my work primarily involves guiding students in writing assignments."

The programme

18:30-19:00: A Warm Welcome | Meet your fellow students, expand your network.
19:00 - 21:30: Tips & Tricks | The instructor will tell you everything you need to know as a starter.
21:30-22:00: Networking | The bar is open. Chat with your fellow students or ask your questions to the instructor.

This workshop is free(*) for current students and recent graduates (after 2020).

*If you are an AHK alumnus who graduated before 2020 or an external visitor, you are also very welcome! You can purchase a ticket here. (PLEASE NOTE: You will be redirected to the Academy of Theatre and Dance's ticketing platform. That's correct! You can order your ticket there).

