20 November: How to properly document agreements
What are you going to learn this evening?
A new assignment? Great! You're probably eager to get started. Start well and first put all agreements clearly on paper. You will hear how to do that this evening. This way you discover exactly what you record in a contract, which risks you can cover and how to draw up general terms and conditions.
About Nico Beltman
Nico Beltman is the expert of the evening. He is a lawyer based in Amsterdam. He began his career with the Artists' Union (Kunstenbond) and has since worked extensively with visual artists and performers. In addition to being a lawyer, he is also a trainer at the professional training program of the Bar Association. With some basic knowledge, even an artist can recognize when things are going wrong, Nico says: prevention is better than cure.
The programme
18:30-19:00: A Warm Welcome | Meet your fellow students, expand your network.
19:00 - 21:30: Tips & Tricks | The instructor will tell you everything you need to know as a starter.
21:30-22:00: Networking | The bar is open. Chat with your fellow students or ask your questions to the instructor.
This workshop is free(*) for current students and recent graduates (after 2020).
*If you are an AHK alumnus who graduated before 2020 or an external visitor, you are also very welcome! You can purchase a ticket here. (PLEASE NOTE: You will be redirected to the Academy of Theatre and Dance's ticketing platform. That's correct! You can order your ticket there).