Make arrangements to re-enrol or de-register for the academic year 2015-2016 no later than 15 July 2015.
If you wish to continue your studies:
- You must enter a re-enrolment request in Studielink. Make sure that your address details are still up-to-date.
- Are you planning to use a different payment method to pay your tuition fees? Then you need to fill in the payment changes form (PDF) and forward it no later than 15 July 2015. Please read the information below carefully. The AHK has adopted a different direct debit payment scheme that may affect you.
- Do you have outstanding debts from a previous academic year? You are not officially permitted to enrol if you have unpaid tuition fees. If you are unable to pay your debts, get in touch promptly (now) with the Central Student Administration to resolve the situation.
In the academic year 2014-2015 you submitted a continuous payment form, which is also valid for the following year. However, the AHK has adopted a resolution and amended its tuition fees payment scheme:
- From now on, fees paid by direct debit will be collected in ten periodic instalments instead of five instalments. This means that in the academic year 2015-2016 your tuition fees will be collected in ten equal instalments in the months August, September, October, November, December (2015), January, February, March, April and May (2016).
- You will no longer be able to pay your fees in a single instalment by direct debit. If you wish to pay your tuition fees in full in a single payment, you need to transfer the amount yourself before 1 September 2015 to account number NL16INGB0001690054, in the name of AHK Studentendebiteurenadministratie. If you would rather arrange to pay through direct debit, please fill out and submit the payment changes form (PDF).
- From now on, you will no longer be able to arrange an individual fee payment scheme. Please note: do you currently pay your fees through a payment scheme arranged with the Central Student Administration? Then fill out and submit the payment changes form (PDF), otherwise the AHK will assume that you will transfer your tuition fees in full to the AHK account by 1 September.
Terminating your studies
If you have graduated or wish to terminate your studies, you need to submit a request to de-register in Studielink. The date you select will be the first possible date of the following month on which termination is possible.
If you are entitled to a refund of your tuition fees, please fill out the application form to request a refund of student fees (PDF).
If you have any questions, please visit the Central Student Administration office (Jodenbreestraat 3, first floor). We’re here to help you pay your fees promptly and properly so you can enjoy your summer break knowing that everything’s taken care of!
More information
Tuition fees