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Social safety within the AHK

Where can I go with my complaint or objection?

The AHK is committed to ensuring that study and work within the AHK run as smoothly as possible. Nevertheless, it may happen that mistakes are made or situations arise in which you feel disadvantaged as a student or staff member. It may also happen that you disagree with a decision made. What can you do?

You can always turn to the AHK Complaints Desk
If you are not sure where to go, you can send your question to the AHK Complaints Desk via the e-mail address Your question will always be handled confidentially. The AHK complaints desk can tell you which regulation your question falls under, whether it is a notification, complaint, objection or appeal and what you can do. In general: a complaint is about behaviour, and an objection or appeal is about a decision you disagree with.

On what subject do you have a complaint or what would you like to object?

Tips or comments

If you don't really have a complaint, but do think things could be better, you can talk to a teacher, course leader, or a member of the study programme committee or academy council. The academy council is the body within the academy for participation in decision-making. Both the study programme committee and the academy council advise the management on the (organisation of) education. Neither body handles individual complaints.



    Social safety within the AHK