Art and Politics - DAS Creative Producing lecture

Sunday 12 March 2023, 11:00 - 13:00 hrs.
Adyen Rokin 49
Rokin 49
1012KS Amsterdam

Current themes, art and entrepeneurship.

Maandelijkse zondagochtend lezingen georganiseerd door DAS Master Creative Producing in samenwerking met Adyen en O2Lab.

Download the information about the lecture as a PDF​​​​​​​

On Sunday morning, March 12, we will talk with Louise Boelens of Bureau Burgerberaad about the organization of a Citizens' Council and the possible role of Art in it. A few days later there will be Provincial Council and Water Council elections. This is not an election that is very popular with voters, yet this is a very important election with a direct effect on national political decision-making. This is because the members of the Provincial States elect the Senate.

As discussed in much of the media, our citizens' trust in politics has never been lower. In September 2022, 67% of the population said they had no confidence in politics, and 76% said they had no confidence in Cabinet Rutte 4. Citizens feel uninvolved and unheard. How can this feeling be broken and how can citizens be more involved? One of the possible solutions to this is Citizens' Consultation.

Bureau Burgerberaad was founded by citizens concerned about the climate crisis, among other things. The goal is to encourage well-organized citizen councils and that residents should be much more involved in decisionmaking. It appears to be a topical issue: many municipalities are getting citizen councils off the ground, and there are also national initiatives for citizen councils, in areas such as climate, healthcare and biodiversity. Also, an idea has just been initiated to organize a Citizens' Council around the Slavery Excuse.

Louise Boelens is affiliated with Bureau Burgerberaad. There she dedicates herself to getting local citizen councils off the ground and running them properly. Previously, she worked with city councils, municipal organizations and residents' organizations, among others. She is trained as an organizational psychologist and lawyer and skilled in various dialogue methodologies and decision-making, including deep democracy.

The lectures take place one Sunday morning, at 11.00, Adyen, Rokin 49, Amsterdam
Admission free.
Sign up through the registrationform or send an email to

After the lecture, for those interested in the master's program DAS Creative Producing there will be time to ask questions to students and teachers. For more information, go to:

Deadline to register for the master's program: 19 April 2023.

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About the collaboration between Adyen and the Academy for Theatre and Dance
In 2022, Adyen and the Academy for Theater and Dance will launch a special collaboration to provide a space for inspiration, reflection and action in the heart of the city of Amsterdam. The company Adyen was founded in 2006, in the center of Amsterdam, by a group of Dutch entrepreneurs. Adyen is a payment platform that processes payments for leading companies around the world. It currently has more than 2,000 employees and 27 offices around the world. In 2021, Adyen opened additional office space on the Rokin, in the same city center where the company's journey began. In collaboration with the Academy of Theater and Dance, the company is opening its offices to Amsterdam residents to connect with, and give back to, the city of Amsterdam. Within its education, the academy explores the ways in which art can contribute to
shaping the world, based on the firm belief that art can set people and the world in motion.
