Thinking with Birds is a project that explores different, historical and societal relations in Amsterdam regarding three types of birds; the grey heron, the Rose-ringed parakeet and the wild duck. Part of this research is behind my desk and focuses on history and daily interactions, but luckily there is also an important role for outdoor observations and public walks. During these public walks different knowledges and observations are welcomed and exchanged, to enrich the ways in which we perceive these birds as citizens of Amsterdam.
Come to the next public walk on June 27th organized by Marit van Dijk (Coordinator of the Heritage Lab, Researcher at the Research Group, and Curator of the AIR program) from Thinking with Birds. This research project involves contemplating with birds and other species on how we share the city and how we can better communicate this. This time, under the guidance of the Amsterdam Bird Group, we will look at a controversial tradition: feeding the ducks.
Gathering point: 12.00 at the National Slavery monument in the Oosterpark
Register: Send an email to to let us know you will be there, hope to see you there!