The Best of ITs on Tour features a triple bill, in which two short productions ‘Gaan’ and ‘Vertreksvergunning’ by recently graduated theatrical talent from de Theaterschool are staged. Both productions won The Best of ITs on Tour Prijs in 2011.
‘Gaan’ is a sublime mime duet by Fleur van den Berg and Nina Fokker. Fleur van den Berg graduated in 2011 from the Mime School with this production. Nina Fokker is a fourth year student at the Mime School. ‘Gaan’ is a wordless dialogue in which the public is transported to a world of two women who cannot manage without each other.
‘Vertreksvergunning’ is a solo by George Tobal, who graduated in 2012 from the Amsterdamse Toneelschool&Kleinkunstacademie. ‘Vertreksvergunning’ tells the story of a young refugee, on the run for eleven years, searching for his right to exist. NRC newspaper wrote of George Tobal, also winner of the Paradeparel 2011: “Tobal is a gifted actor with great charisma. I have not encountered this kind of brilliant commitment in theatre for a long time.”
The third production of this triple bill ‘TickleMePink’ 'freeing the space, building it up and letting go' by Stefan Jakiela, Marijn Alexander de Jong, Karel van Laere and Jimi Zoet, was their graduation project at the Toneelacademie Maastricht in 2012.
The Best of ITs on Tour takes in diverse theatres throughout The Netherlands with Oscar Kocken as host and includes a ‘meet and greet’ with all the makers afterwards. Première: Saturday 15 September in the Toneelschuur, Haarlem.
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