From May to October of this year, script consultant Franz Rodenkirchen will be Artist in Residence at the Netherlands Film Academy. He will conduct research into the challenges that face traditional script writing.
The landscape of filmmaking is changing rapidly. Fuelled by decreasing funding opportunities, an increased need for film projects to define their core audience and shifting modes of consumption, filmmakers are facing many challenges to turn their projects into films. The way film projects are evaluated and eventually funded still very much hinges on a traditional idea of scriptwriting. Yet there appear to be more and more filmmakers who find their film projects unfitting for the traditional evaluation process.
In his residency Franz Rodenkirchen will take these observations, which stem from his work as a script consultant for many European art house films, as a starting point for his research period. During this period Rodenkirchen will form a research group with a select group of students, he will tutor individual master students who work on developing alternative forms of cinematic narration and give classes on issues relating to his research subject.
Kick-off for the residency is a public lecture Rodenkirchen will give on May 7, from 19:30–21:30 at the Film Academy, under the title Different times, different scripts. Or: how can we write cinema. This lecture is part of the Master of Film Lecture Series. Please use the online RSVP form.