We are looking forward to welcoming you to our public presentations in June. On 13 & 14 June nine first-year Master students draw a line after their research time. What did they come across in their artistic investigations? Cross their timelines in live encounters at DasArts!
Presentation schedule on 13 & 14 June
Sat 13 June:
19:00 Eleana Alexandrou
19:00 Noah Voelker
19:45 Break with soup and finger food
20:15 Lucia Marneanu
21:15 Eleana Alexandrou
21:15 Noah Voelker
Ongoing: Enkidu Khaled from 14:00
Sun 14 June:
19:00 Nina Boas
19:45 Ogutu Muraya / Break
20:15 Break / Ogutu Muraya
20:45 Aline Benecke
21:45 Astrit Ismaili
Ongoing: Enkidu Khaled from 14:00
Nina Boas: My mother’s paintings
Eleana Alexandrou: In a nutshell,
Noah Voelker: This is my lifestyle: I just have to make sure I don't die
Enkidu Khaled: Working method
Ogutu Muraya: The politics of memory
Lucia Marneanu: Accidentally, burning, matches
Mor Shani: Brotherhood
Aline Benecke:Since you're holding them again, and again and again intending to be able to somehow classify them: image-dissection as mourning process
Astrit Ismaili: Energizing the fluid body
This year’s Master Proof Projects will be presented at Dansmakers Amsterdam. Bojan Djordjev, Alexander Giesche and Ana Wild will perform on 22, 23 & 24 June 2015
Future Read in Concrete and Stone
Bojan Djordjev (Serbia)
In one of his writings, Vladimir Ilyich Lenin claims that the only way to remain truthful to the revolution is to treat revolution as art. Let’s examine what art can teach us about revolution by taking three Yugoslavian modernist WWII memorials as ‘scores’ for revolution, coordinates of a new society that can be studied, rehearsed, and initiated in theatre.
Monday 22 June at 19:00 & Wednesday 24 June at 21:00
Yesterday You Said Tomorrow
Alexander Giesche (Germany)
Yesterday You Said Tomorrow is science fiction. Yesterday You Said Tomorrow is a near-future scenario showing a world in which virtual reality glasses like the Oculus Rift are fully integrated in our lives, in the same way that smartphones have become extensions of ourselves: indispensable and completely reorganizing our sense of time, space and communication. Who wouldn’t want to go back in time and re-live the great moments of their past?
Monday 22 June at 21:00 & Tuesday 23 June at 19:00
La Traviata and the Beginning of the End
Ana Wild (Israel)
"Ah! How you suffer! But take heart. Here, each of us suffers for your sorrow…"
A personal study of a canonical opera. How can we, in this time, see ourselves in the historical, the symbolical, the grand, the romantic?
"You are here among dear friends, so dry the tears which bath your face…"
Tuesday 23 June at 21:00 & Wednesday 24 June at 19:00
For more detailed information about the events go to our calender or our Facebookpage
We would like to point out that entry to the all five days is free, but please reserve because some seating is limited: dasarts@ahk.nl.