Rainbow flag - solidarity ATD with the LGBTQ+ community

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On 11 October it is the annual come-out-of-the-closet day! With the hanging of the rainbow flag in the windows of 'de punt', the Academy of Theatre and Dance wants to show solidarity with the LGBTQ+ community.

We want to let our students and employees and everyone who walks past our building know  that you can be yourself at the ATD.

A.S.V.Gay student association
The A.S.V.Gay student association offers a safe place for LGBTQ+ students in student life in Amsterdam. Besides weekly drinks and fun parties, they are very involved with all kinds of social organisations that want to improve the positions of LHBTQ+ young adults.

Do you want to know more?

You can contact A.S.V.Gay via info@asvgay.nl
