From January, the Amsterdam University of the Arts (AHK) will start a lab in building 024 on the Marineterrein in which concerning the themes of ArtScience, social engagement and education will be developed. The AHK hereby becomes roommate of restaurant Scheepskameel and serious game developer IJsfontein, which are already established in 024.
In building 024, the AHK will house the ArtechLAB, the research lab of the Breitner Academy in which art teachers and artists are inspired by science and technology. The Art Education Master's degree program, the Art Education lecturers Emiel Heijnen and Melissa Bremmer and the Architecture & Circular Economy lecturer Peter van Assche lecturer will also develop activities in 024. After the VRAcademy and MakerSpace, this lab represents a new step for the AHK in developing a learning environment on the Marineterrein in which students, the public, partners and community members work on innovation and crossovers in the field of art and education.