Watch the short movie on Rewriting Architecture - a series of interviews with the editors and contributors of Rewriting Architecture discussing 10+1 actions and the importance of this publication for architecture today.
Order a copy of the book via publisher Valiz or purchase it at your favorite bookstore. The virtual book launch took place on Friday 27 November 5.30 pm.
About the book
Rewriting Architecture 10+1 Actions: Tabula Scripta
Editor(s): Floris Alkemade, Michiel van Iersel, Jarrik Ouburg, Mark Minkjan
Rewriting Architectureexplores and embraces the potential of place. The book claims that the idea of ‘tabula rasa’, or creating from scratch, is no longer a viable option. It considers the quality of the existing urban and social fabric—the tabula scripta—as an inspiration, motivation and starting point of design. How can this context be read, understood, valued and further developed?
Rewriting Architectureis activating and enriching the architectural discourse and wider public debate with a series of verbs, or actions, that show how we can respond better to what is already there: Eliminate; Continue; Obscure; Reconfigure; Repurpose; Densify; Copy; Overlay; Reimagine; Restart and Abstain. These 10+1 Actions are illustrated by compelling examples from a broad range of places and design practices all over the world, from Asia to Africa, to Europe and the US. The editors relate these challenges to a wide array of makers and thinkers through stimulating contributions by architects and other specialists working in the arts, biology, fashion, ecology, pop culture, nanotechnology and philosophy.
Rewriting Architectureproposes new narratives to describe and discuss design practices that work with what exists, with the people who are already there and with respect for the natural resources that are left.
Info: Valiz ism Academie voor Bouwkunst Amsterdam, Lectoraat Tabula Scripta | ontwerp: Haller Brun | paperback | c. 440 blz | Engels | november 2020 | ISBN 9787-94-92095-70-1 | € 29,50