Esteban Obregon Moriano (19) on ECD June Works
For ECD June Works first-year students of Expanded Contemporary Dance (ECD) created their own choreography Fuel of Love - part 2. Esteban Obregon Moriano (19): ‘It is almost like a trance.’
Esteban, what will we experience in the performance of the first-year students?
‘In our choreography we bring the night life and clubbing dances from the techno scene on stage. On the dance floor of techno parties – and of many other types of parties – everyone is dancing on their own. At the same time, you are very connected to each other and to the strong beat that leads you. Our work is about the interaction between people in a specific moment and space. How they react to each other, how much they are aware of themselves and of the people surrounding them. It is almost like a trance.’
Are you a raver yourself?
‘Definitely, so I personally feel a strong connection to the performance we’ve created. Back in Switzerland there was a wide emergence of techno collectives and illegal rave parties in which I was participating very often. Independently of my interest for the music, the techno and rave parties were an escape from the city centre clubs. And in a certain way from a capitalistic and consumer society.’
Clubbing dance inspires you professionally?
‘Yes, I’m really interested in the movement created by people without any dance education or dance background. Clubbing dance proves that dance is accessible to everyone. That it is a great way to connect with yourself in a deep and instinctive way.’
What’s it like, creating a choreography together as first-year students?
‘Every member of our group comes from a very different background. This makes the process challenging, but very rich and interesting. We’ve learnt to work with each other, making our differences our strength. We want to show the audience that every element of our creation is a specific choice, resulting from reflections, experiments and awareness. In other words: we are looking for clarity in our intentions more than making “beautiful things”.’
What is your biggest kick in making this performance?
‘The fact I am back on stage for the second time since the beginning of the pandemic. In our first performance, I felt like I was performing for the first time in my life again. I really want to get used to the stage again, and at the same time keep this excitement.’
Finally, why should the audience not miss out on Fuel of Love - part 2?
‘I think watching first year creations has something very special in itself. Those projects are important steps and will have effects on our development as dancers, performers and even choreographers. The material we are creating is maybe not specifically precious, but the knowledge and the experience we gain during the whole creation process are precious and worth remembering.’
ECD June Works
Ca be seen from 15 until 18 June in the Danstheater at Academy of Theatre and Dance.
Click here to reserve tickets .
Text and interview: Petra Boers - Buro Vonkstof