On Tuesday 3 October, Diversity Day, the Amsterdam University of the Arts (AHK) signed the declaration of intent regarding the UN treaty for more inclusive education. This expresses the AHK's desire to be an inclusive educational institution, where every student participates in education on an equal footing with other students and every student regardless of background feels welcome and accepted.
During a special meeting at the Hogeschool van Amsterdam, vice-chairman of the executive board David van Traa put his signature on behalf of the AHK. Hogeschool van Amsterdam, hogeschool IPABO and ROC van Amsterdam-Flevoland also signed the declaration of intent. The signing was initiated by ECIO, the Expertise Centre for Inclusive Education.
Over a third of students study with a disability
Over a third of students in higher education study with a mental or physical disability. Of these, 39% are hampered in their studies. In art education, due to the often physical form that characterises education (like dance, making music or creating visual work), this is even more a challenge. At the same time, because of the small group sizes and individual learning paths, a lot of customisation is also possible. The AHK makes every effort to make all its programmes accessible to students with disabilities, so that all talent is represented and has a chance in art education.
Commitment to the UN treaty on People with Disabilities
In 2016, the Netherlands embraced the UN treaty on People with Disabilities, which calls for inclusive education, among other things. To show that universities of applied sciences, universities and mbo institutions are complying, they can sign the special declaration of intent drawn up by ECIO. All signatories get access to a national working group in which educational institutions can share experiences. ECIO supports all signatories with knowledge on implementation of the convention so that the signing is put into practice.
Joint focus: optimal study success for all students
The joint signing underlines the close cooperation between mbo and higher education institutions at both national and regional levels. They join forces for inclusive intake into higher education and to learn from each other for optimal progression, in stead of reinventing the wheel.