AHK Research Café: New Policy Developments and Funding Chances for the art-based research(ers)!

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What’s new in funding support for the art-based research? What are the developments that the Council for Culture currently explores regarding the art-based research for the Culture Plan for the future? How to understand the new KIA (Knowledge and Innovation Agenda: Maatschappelijk Verdienvermogen) and new KEMs (Key Enabling Methodologies: Artistic Methodology and Democracy and responsibility), and what do they mean for us? What is important around new KIEM MV call? What will the new EU Call (EU Pilot Network development) be about: network activities or a joint research? What about the new programme/call of The Art Route?

Would you like to learn more about this? Then join us at the upcoming Research Café on New Policy Developments and Funding Chances for the art-based research(ers)!

We are very pleased to welcome our two guests from SIA:

  • Thomas Kelderman, programme manager Maatschappelijk Verdienvermogen, National Science Agenda and Towards Europe. Thomas will dive into new KIA, new KEMs and the new Call: KIEM MV (Maatschappelijk Verdienvermogen, which opens one of these days), as well as the follow-up of the EU Pilot, expected to open in January
  • Hanneke Jansen, programme manager L.INT will present the new — amended! — L.INT Call (to be published soon)

With the possibility of another mystery guest.

Thomas and Hanneke will present the topics and answer your questions for the remaining time. (We recommend reading the Calls and the new KEMs and KIAs in advance).

We would like to welcome you all on Tuesday 21 November at the Academy of Theatre and Dance (ATD), room 701 (7th floor) from 16:00 to 17:30 (with coffee and tea from 15:30, followed by non-alcoholic drinks).

Please let us know if you are coming [via researchcentre@ahk.nl] (in connection with catering).

The next Research Café is scheduled on Tuesday 19 December, Location: AHK Culture Club, and the theme is: Looking back 2023, looking ahead 2024 - Reflection and new developments (presentations by the Research Centre and people with cool new projects) check out our agenda here.
