For the thirteenth edition of the AHK Graduation Prize, the jury examined 48 works that were submitted by graduating students. The jury selected ten projects for the shortlist. Two cash prizes of €2,000 in the Bachelor’s and Master’s categories, and an audience prize of €500 will be awarded. The jury will announce the winners on Thursday 23 January 2025 during the Awards evening at the Dance Theatre in the Academy of Theatre and Dance.
The following projects have been shortlisted:
- De Tussenfase Belicht by Marit Wagemans – Fine Art in Education, Breitner Academy
- Vox Omnes by Cas Schutte – Music in Education, Conservatorium van Amsterdam
- Januari by Jetske Lieber, Jim Sluis, Julia Voets & team – Directing Fiction, Production Film, Netherlands Film Academy
- Last Paradise by Agnė Auželytė with Ciro Goudsmit, Luan Barros, Sasu Korom, YuJing Liu, La Uyi Ihasee, Saman Mahdavi - SNDO Choreography, Academy of Theatre and Dance
- Island Encounters by Martijn van Wijk – Architecture, Academy of Architecture
- Interweaving Cultures by Ramin Amin Tafreshi – Classical Music - Composition, Conservatorium van Amsterdam
- De Muziekspeeltuin by Laura Delgado and Maite Roest – Master of Education in Arts, Breitner Academy
- The Study that I Hold is Like the Voice Vibrating Inside my Throat: Humid, Hot, Trembling and Full of Air by Amador Alina Folini – DAS Choreography, Academy of Theatre and Dance
- The Pit: a Witness's Tale by Keren Bergman – Master of Film, Netherlands Film Academy
- Local Object Names at the Wereldmuseum by Imke Joling - Applied Museum and Heritage Studies, Reinwardt Academy
These are the jury members:
- Liesbeth Kok – managing director Noord Nederlands Orkest, jury chair
- Doreen Boonekamp - cultural and creative sector advisor with emphasis on the world of film and media
- Carmen Lamptey - theatre maker, study director HKU
- Henk Pijlman - supervisor, member AHK Supervisory Board
- Merel Pit - editor in chief De Architect
How to compare a museology thesis with a landscape design or an opera? The jury is faced with an inspiring and challenging task. In addition to a very good assessment by experts within the academy and by external experts, two important criteria by which the jury assesses the submissions is the degree to which the final work makes a connection with the outside world, and the potential of the project to stimulate development in the workfield.
Award Ceremony
In January the jury will announce the winners during the festive awards event, please join us!
Date: Thursday 23 January 2025, 16:30-18.00 PM
Location: Academy for Theatre and Dance, Amsterdam
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