Jan Anthonie Bruijn leaves Supervisory Board AHK, Edwin van Huis new chairman

[Translate to English:] Jan Anthonie Bruijn (l) en Edwin van Huis (r)

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After chairing the Supervisory Board of the Amsterdam University of the Arts (AHK) for eight years, Jan Anthonie Bruijn will leave the board as of 13 December. On that date, his second and thus last term as supervisor ends. Jan Anthonie Bruijn will hand over the chairmanship baton to Edwin van Huis, who has served on the Supervisory Board since 2017.

The AHK is very grateful to Jan Anthonie Bruijn for the inspired and enthusiastic way he has fulfilled his role as a critical supervisor. Annet Lekkerkerker, chair of the AHK's Executive Board, responds: “I look back with great pleasure on the cooperation with Jan Anthonie. With his knowledge and expertise as well as his great enthusiasm for professional arts education, he was a sharp and very involved supervisor.”

From 13 December 2024, Edwin van Huis will be chairman of the Supervisory Board. Under his leadership, the board will start the search for two new Supervisory Board members, including a chairman of the Supervisory Board. The latter in view of the fact that Edwin van Huis' term will expire next year. Edwin van Huis is general director of Naturalis Biodiversity Center and as a supervisor, besides the AHK, involved in SURF and CETAF (Consortium of European Taxonomic Facilities), among others.
