From March 1, Anthony Heidweiller will start in a new position as Associate Lector at the Academy of Theatre and Dance, which he will fulfill three days a week. In collaboration with Lector Laura Cull Ó Maoilearca, he will contribute as Associate Lector to the ATD Lectorate programme through his research into regenerative arts education and the role of the arts in social transformation.
In addition, Anthony develops AHK-wide (research) activities one day a week around the above themes, in collaboration with the Education department of the Service Bureau, the AHK Research Centre and the Social Justice and Diversity in the Arts lectorate.
Lector Laura Cull Ó Maoilearca looks forward to working with Anthony: “I am delighted that Anthony Heidweiller is joining the Lectorate. Anthony’s research complements the existing expertise in the Lectorate through the strong focus on education. It aligns perfectly with our future plans with the work on regenerative art education and societal engagement. Anthony’s perspective on regeneration is extremely important to the wider field - because it foregrounds decoloniality and social justice. The high quality of Anthony’s research comes from its integrity and complexity which recognise that we cannot move towards regeneration without both a deep engagement with colonial history and its presence within our body minds. I am honoured and inspired to have the opportunity to think alongside him in this”.
Anthony Heidweiller reacts on his appointment: “After an intensive and valuable period within the ATD management board, I am transitioning with great enthusiasm to my new role as Associate Lector. Over the past few years, I have found the work of Laura and her team to be very inspiring and I have been frequently exposed to new insights and perspectives through their work. In this position, I look forward to further delving into the connection between education and society in order to contribute to a regenerative and just society.”