02-12 | Learn the basics of Dutch taxes

[Translate to English:] Melvin van Jaarsveld

[Translate to English:] Ilona Veldhuis
What will you learn during this evening?
Do you dread getting the blue envelopes from the Dutch Tax and Customs Administration? There’s no need for that anymore! After just one evening, you will know how Dutch taxes work. For example, your type of enterprise determine which taxes you will have to deal with. Roll up your sleeves and let’s get to work. In this training course, you will discover which tax returns you need to file, how you need to submit them and which costs are deductible.
About Ilona Veldhuis and Melvin van Jaarsveld
Ilona Veldhuis (she/her) and Melvin van Jaarsveld (he/him) are the trainers of the evening. Melvin is partner and registered tax adviser (RB) and Ilona tax consultant with NAHV Tax Advisors. They both love numbers and tax law, and they will share this passion to help starting entrepreneurs understand how taxes work, showing that taxes are not so scary at all.
(This workshop will be conducted in Dutch)
Free workshop
This workshop is free for students and recent graduates (after 2021). AHK alum who graduated before 2021 or external visitors are also very welcome! The ticket price for them is €12.50.
When you order your ticket, you will be directed to the red environment of the Academy of Theatre and Dance website. That’s correct! You can order your (free) ticket here.
17:30-18:00: Walk in & free meal | Meet your fellow students and experts and expand your network.
18:00-20:30: Tips & tricks | The instructor will tell you everything you need to know as a beginner.
20:30-21:00: The bar is open | Feel free to continue chatting with other guests or ask your tutor any questions.
AHK Culture Club
At the Marineterrein
Kattenburgerstraat 5