07-10 | Draw attention with your cover letter

What will you learn during this evening?
You’ve finally found the job of your dreams. How do you convince the reader now that you are the perfect person for the job? How do you make your future employer enthusiastic? How do you kindle that spark? That’s right: with your cover letter. Find out the do’s and don’ts, and what the successful ingredients are.
About Sylvie Mellenbergh
Sylvie Mellenbergh (she/her) is the expert of the evening. She is a language and communications specialist. She will help you to find answers to questions like: How do you construct a good text? When is an argument convincing? Sylvie has been working for the AHK as communications trainer and writing coach for a number of years and knows which questions are on your mind.
(This workshop will be conducted in Dutch)
Golden Tip:"Actively seek out the connections between yourself and the organizations you want to work for. Study their website, talk to employees, read their annual reports, etc. In other words, take the time to understand another before putting anything on paper, than you will draw attention with you cover letter!"
Free workshop
This workshop is free for students and recent graduates (after 2021). AHK alum who graduated before 2021 or external visitors are also very welcome! The ticket price for them is €12.50.
When you order your ticket, you will be directed to the red environment of the Academy of Theatre and Dance website. That’s correct! You can order your (free) ticket here.
17:30-18:00: Walk in & free meal | Meet your fellow students and experts and expand your network.
18:00-20:30: Tips & tricks | The instructor will tell you everything you need to know as a beginner.
20:30-21:00: The bar is open | Feel free to continue chatting with other guests or ask your tutor any questions.
AHK Culture Club
At the Marineterrein
Kattenburgerstraat 5