25-11 | Lay down your agreements clearly and avoid risks

What will you learn during this evening?
New assignment/commission? Nice! Protect yourself by putting your agreements down on paper and covering risks. This evening, you’ll find out how. You will learn precisely what you need to lay down in a contract and how you draw up general terms and conditions. Examples include assignments that are delayed, clients who do not pay, sudden illness, investments that don’t pay for themselves. In this way, it will be even more enjoyable to set to work.

About Jet Hootsmans
Jet Hootsmans (she/her) is lawyer with the Kunstenbond (Artists’ Union). Do you have a conflict in the workplace, a question about your contract or is someone trying to steal your idea? Jet Hootsmans knows what to do, as a lawyer or as a mediator. She has a lot of experience in the cultural and creative sector, and with creators who perform commissioned work/assignments. Her speciality is contract law and intellectual property right. Furthermore, Jet is board member at Pictoright, the copyright organisation for visual creators in the Netherlands.

(This workshop will be conducted in Dutch)


Sign up for this workshop

Monday 25-11 | AHK Starterscafé

Free workshop

This workshop is free for students and recent graduates (after 2021). AHK alum who graduated before 2021 or external visitors are also very welcome! The ticket price for them is €12.50. 

When you order your ticket, you will be directed to the red environment of the Academy of Theatre and Dance website. That’s correct! You can order your (free) ticket here.


17:30-18:00: Walk in & free meal | Meet your fellow students and experts and expand your network.
18:00-20:30: Tips & tricks | The instructor will tell you everything you need to know as a beginner.
20:30-21:00: The bar is open | Feel free to continue chatting with other guests or ask your tutor any questions.


AHK Culture Club 

At the Marineterrein
Kattenburgerstraat 5

