Multimodality in music education to children with a disability

Research of Vincent Lamers en Carolien Hermans

Multimodality is taken to mean the information that is used by the specialist teacher on the basis of different sensory modalities (such as gestures, movements of the entire body, speech, image, sound and use of materials). This is not only about using different senses, such as hearing, touch, sight, smell, taste and proprioception, but above all about the way in which the senses are connected and integrated with each other with the aim being to strengthen the musical interaction process for children with a disability (Hull & Nelson, 2005).

As yet, explicit practical knowledge and practical research in the field of multimodal pedagogy in music education to children with a disability is lacking. There is, however, a growing number of specialist music teachers who give musical perception lessons in special education. These musical perception lessons appear to make intuitive use of multimodality. In this research, the implicit practical knowledge is made explicit and connected with current theories about multimodal pedagogy.


Vincent Lamers has been employed as a music teacher at various workplaces, particularly in primary education, since 1989. He has been working in special education since 2000. Within this field of work, he has specialised in musical perception lessons, lessons for pupils with a serious multiple disability.

He graduated from the Master of Education in Arts at the AHK in 2015. During his study, he conducted research into how language skills can be fostered in music lessons and into how the band of secondary school pupils practice independently in music studios. In addition to his work as researcher and specialist teacher, he is currently employed as cultural education consultant for an arts centre in Haarlem.

Publicaties, presentaties en workshops

- Gastles Voor de klas in het speciaal onderwijs (Amstelveen en Amsterdam Zuid-Oost, 2022)
Teamtraining De Sprienke (Goes, 2022)
- Gastles Master Musical Leadership (CvA, 2022)
- Nascholing Muziekbeleving in het speciaal onderwijs (CvA, 2022)
Masterclass Overleg Centra voor de Kunsten Noord-Holland (OCK) (online, 2022)
- Next Stop presentatie, landelijke conferentie LKCA (Ede, 2022)
- Workshop Dynamica XL, locatie Molenwerf (Koog aan de Zaan, 2022)
- Bremmer, M., Hermans, C., & Lamers, V. (2021). The charmed dyad: Multimodal music lessons for pupils with severe or multiple disabilities. Research Studies in Music Education.
-  Lamers, V. 'Waarom BIM werkt'. In: BiM werkwijze. Een lichaamsgerichte werkwijze met muziek. (2019)
- 'The multi-modal music bubble. Multi-modal music teaching as an embodied strategy for children with a disability and its implications for teaching neurotypical young children' workshop MERYC (Gent, 2019)
- 'De Multimodale muziekbubbel' presentatie Conferentie Next Stop, onbeperkt Kunst & Cultuur, LKCA (Hilversum, 2019)
- Nascholing 'Muziekbeleving in het speciaal onderwijs', Data: 15-09-2018, 03-11 2018, 05-10 en 16-11 2019.
- Presentatie mei 2019 netwerkbijeenkomst speciaal onderwijs Pier K Hoofddorp
- Presentatie oktober 2018 op conferentie Onderwijsspecialisten/Cultuurmij Oost: Cultuureducatie voor EMB/OZG leerlingen in het speciaal onderwijs in Arnhem
- Lamers, V. (2019) 'De multimodale muziekbubbel'. In: Kunstzone 18(3), 55-57.
- Lamers, V. (2018) 'Beleving in muziek met alle zintuigen' In: De Pyramide 72 04.
- Lamers, V., Hermans, C., & Bremmer, M. (2018). De multimodale muziekbubbel. Muzieklessen in het speciaal onderwijs aan leerlingen met een ernstige beperking. Amsterdam, NL: Lectoraat kunsteducatie, Amsterdamse Hogeschool voor de Kunsten. 
- Gastlessen Opleiding Docent Muziek aan het Conservatorium van Amsterdam, (15-05-2018, 29-01-2019, 28-05-2019).
- ‘The musicbubble’, presentatie conferentie ISME, preconference music in special education and music therapy (2018, Salzburg, Oostenrijk)
‘De multimodale muziekbubbel’, presentatie op de onderzoeksconferentie van het LKCA (2018)
- 'De multimodale muziekbubbel’ presentatie op de conferentie ‘My Music Ability’ (2018)
- ‘De multimodale muziekbubbel’ workshop voor docenten muziekschool Amsterdam-Noord (2018)
- 'De multimodale muziekbubbel’ presentatie Gehrels ism Patrick Meuldijk (2017)
- ‘De multimodale muziekbubbel’ workshop voor docenten muziekschool Amsterdam-Noord (2017)
- ‘De multimodale muziekbubbel’ workshop 3e jaars Pabostudenten InHolland Alkmaar (2017)
