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Online symposium Wicked Arts Assignments

On Friday 27 November 2020 the Research Group Arts Education at Amsterdam University of the Arts organized an international digital symposium on Wicked Arts Assignments. The recently published book Wicked Arts Assignments reveals the arts educators’ hidden oeuvre of arts assignments from different regions around the world. During the symposium contributors from the book from all over the world shared their ideas and practice in several parallel presentations and workshops in real time with a broad international community. Find the complete programme below.


Wicked Arts Assignments book

Wicked Arts Assignments - Practising Creativity in Contemporary Arts Education
Wicked Arts Assignments are bold, unusual, contrary, funny, poetical, inspiring, socially committed, or otherwise challenging. The almost hundred arts assignments collected in this book connect to the visual arts, performance, theatre, music and design, but more importantly: they encourage cross-disciplinarity. The assignments can be carried out in various contexts: from primary schools to higher education, from home to the (online) community, and from Bogotá to Istanbul. They are meant to spark the imagination of both teachers and students, contributing to new, topical educational and artistic practices. Besides the assignments, the book provides a theoretical view on arts assignments from historical, artistic and educational perspectives, complemented by interviews with experts in contemporary arts and education.

Editors: Emiel Heijnen, Melissa Bremmer
Co-editor: Sanne Kersten
Contributors: Pavèl van Houten, Jorge Lucero, Nina Paim, Erik Schrooten, Stephanie Springgay, and many many others
Design: Laura Pappa

Valiz, 2020 | in cooperation with Amsterdam University of the Arts | paperback | 304 pp. | 22 x 15 cm (h x w) | English | ISBN 978-94-92095-75-6 | € 19,90



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