Patrick Acogny
Patrick Acogny has been trained in various dance techniques : ballet, jazz, modern, contemporary dances and most of all West African dance techniques. In the 90s, he has mainly worked as a dancer with French and African choreographers. In 1995, he became the artistic director of the Kokuma Dance Theatre, one of the most important black compagny's in Birmingham (United Kingdom). He was the director of this English company for 6 years.
In 2001, Patrick Acogny started academic courses in performing arts and choreography at the Middlesex University in London. He passed his Master of Performing Arts and Choreography one year later. After having lived in France, he choose to settle down in the United Kingdom, a soil of dance, and began to organise international workshops in Europe and regular courses for amateur. However, he attended university courses at the same time and passed a second master (D.E.A.) of choreography and performing arts in 2004 at the University of Saint-Denis in Paris.
In 2005, the Ecole des Sables of Germaine Acogny, his mother, invited him for the first time to participate in the professional workshop for African dancers in Senegal. At the same time he started his doctorate studies at the University Paris VIII on the transmission of African danced in France. After the training of the African dancers in June 2005, Germaine Acogny and him collaborated in the choreography for the company Jant-bi of the Ecole des Sables: Waxtaan.
He was also invited at the Dance Centre James Carles in Toulouse to lecture at a conference on the poetic aspect of the African dances and teach contemporary African dance classes to the students of the professional training. At the same time Patrick Acogny continued to work on his academic researches for his thesis, and his regular courses and workshops in France as well as abroad.
In 2006 his collaboration with Jant-Bi and the Ecole des Sables went further. He was invited again to give a special training to young Senegalese dancers who represented the Ecole des Sables in the Monaco Dance Forum in December 2006.