Sample and remix artist Eboman was the Artist in Residence at the Amsterdam University of the Arts from 23 to 27 April 2012. He worked with students and teachers from the Academy of Fine Art in Education and the Bachelor of Music in Education at the Conservatorium van Amsterdam on a remix project culminating in two performances.
Eboman guided the trainee teachers as they collaborated on remixes of found and self-made visual and aural material. This provided students and teachers with the opportunity to gain knowledge and experience on using popular culture as source material and modern technology as a creative interdisciplinary tool.
These experiments culminated in different interactive performances, which took place at Esdal College in Emmen as part of Eboman’s performance there.
About Eboman
Eboman (Jeroen Hofs, 1973) is a sample and remix artist. He makes his work using modern technology, fusing images and sound into collages at the interface of music, video art and interactive performance art. He also develops software and projects that invite and challenge spectators to participate by making their own remixes of imagery and audio material. His international breakthrough came in 1996 with the hit Donuts with Buddah, which led to comparisons with the likes of The Prodigy and the Chemical Brothers.
Eboman went on to develop the SenSorSuit, an interactive suit incorporating video sampling software which he used to perform with physical movements triggering samples. Later on, he developed Senna, software that provides children with low-threshold access to video remixing tools. Eboman has also produced a number of projects as an audiovisual artist for the Netherlands Film Museum, XS4ALL, the VPRO and others. For more information, please go to www.eboman.info.
live-performance in VPRO programme Upload TV 'social network art'