My Music Ability: inclusive composing

Concert presentation of the Artist in Residence (AIR) project with Drake Music Scotland, which will have taken place at the CvA in the tree days leading up to the symposium. 

Drake Music Scotland is a leading and award-winning arts organisation in the field of Inclusive Music Practices. Their mission is to create opportunities for musicians and composers with disabilities to learn, create and perform music and engage in creative processes. Music technology plays an important part in their work. 

Inclusive Music Practices
Following two successful AIR projects on Inclusive Music Practices in 2018 and 2021, the CvA has invited Pete Sparkes and Ali Gillies of Drake Music Scotland back for a residency from the 22nd to the 25th of November 2023. They will share their knowledge and experience in composing for and playing in an inclusive ensemble that consists of musicians with and without disabilities. Working with inclusive music technology and adaptive instruments, as well as discovering ways of co-creating for diverse ensembles are important elements of the programme. 

Symposium Arts Beyond Ableism
During the concert presentation, you will be introduced to the project and witness the world premiere of the music that has been created by the inclusive ensemble which consists of students and guest musicians. 

This concert presentation is part of the Symposium Arts Beyond Ableism
