Capturing Intention

Documentation, analysis and notation research base don the work of dance company Emio Greco ׀ PC.

The Notation Research project, an ongoing initiative by dance company Emio Greco I PC since 2004, had reached a major milestone with the completion of its second phase under the heading Dance and Media: A Multidisciplinary Research Project on New Ways of Dance Notation / Documentation and Re-creation.

The outcomes of this phase of research, based on the Double Skin/Double Mind workshop, are published here in the form of a book, film documentary and interactive dvd-rom.

Edited by: Scott deLahunta
With contributions of: Marion Bastien, Bertha Bermúdez, Maite Bermúdez, Frédéric Bevilacqua, Maaike Bleeker, Franz Anton Cramer, Scott deLahunta, Marijke Hoogenboom, Corinne Jola, Susan Melrose, Eliane Mirzabekiantz, Chris Ziegler
Design: Katja van Stiphout
Amsterdam 2007

17 x 22 cm, 88 pages, Dutch or English language, ISBN 978-90-810813-3-7
Sale via EG | PC:


Company in the School
Inside Movement Knowledge
