Starting with music, continuing elsewhere

Edited by Paul Craenen

This publication contains a collection of articles, illustrations and scores of European composers belonging to the same generation. They share a classical music training, but in the meantime they have been developing an artistic practice characterized by audiovisual elements, theatricality, corporeality and conceptuality. The hybrid character of their work problematizes any attempt to categorization, even to the extent that it often no longer fits under the label 'new music'.  In presenting different examples of these intermedial or transdisciplinary practices next to each other, we aim for once not to approach them as exceptions or as deviations from the musical conventions. Instead, we hope to lay bare some common drives and motives for a renewal of contemporary music practice. What is it that distinguishes the musical experiment anno 2010 from the openings forged by the artistic forerunners of the previous century?
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RTRSRCH Vol. 2 No. 1
