AHK LearningLab

Art - education - science – technology
The AHK LearningLab is located in building 024, the characteristic building on the edge of the Marineterrein, along the water. In this beautiful, light location, we focus on research and education at the intersection of art, science and technology. The doors of the LearningLab are open to students, teachers, local residents, researchers, artists, creators and creative entrepreneurs. There is room to meet, to work together, to develop and research projects. But there is also room for debate, dissemination and consultation. For users there are some flex desks.
In the AHK LearningLab are located:
AHK Master of Arts Education

The master in Art Education is for art educators, art teachers and artists who want to further professionalise in their field. In this two-year part-time course you develop your personal vision on current issues in art and art education. For this you work closely with fellow students from different disciplines. During the training you will work on your pedagogical, didactic and artistic skills, research, entrepreneurship and critical reflection. Important themes in the training are interdisciplinarity, inclusivity and social engagement. Read more
AHK Lectorate Art Education

The Arts Education lectorate is the transcending academy of the Amsterdam University of the Arts. The duo professorship, formed by Emiel Heijnen and Melissa Bremmer, conducts practice-oriented research based on the questions raised by the various teacher training courses at the AHK. To bundle research and bring more focus, themes that are relevant and urgent for the arts education field have been chosen: social engagement and interdisciplinarity, both between art disciplines and between non-art disciplines. Read more
AHK Center of Expertise Art Education

The Center of Expertise in Art Education is a dynamic, experimental research network in which teachers, (art) institutions, schools and companies collaborate with pupils, young people and students. The Center aims to renew the arts education field around interdisciplinary themes and will contribute to faster answers to educational questions around the themes: art, science & technology and social engagement. The core of the AHK Center of Expertise is formed by the Arts Education lectorate and the Education lectors platform in the fields of art, science and technology.
ArtechLAB Amsterdam

ArtechLAB Amsterdam wants to make art education in combination with science and technology accessible to contemporary art education in an accessible way. The ArtechLAB mainly focuses on developing the educational design skills of (future) teachers. There is a growing demand from the professional field for tools to connect art education with technology. To answer that question, ArtechLAB provides workshops and refresher courses. The lab conducts research and offers inspiration sessions and a digital resource bank for students and teachers.
Lectorate Architecture & Circular Thinking (Academy of Architecture)

Peter van Assche has been appointed professor of Architecture & Circular Thinking at the Academy of Architecture. During four years, he will be researching the architectural possibilities of new materials, models and technologies for a circular economy within this research group, together with research fellow Gerjan Streng. Within the framework of this professorship, various educational activities, such as guest lectures, workshops and excursions, will take place in the AHK Learning Lab. Read more

The VRAcademy is an initiative of the Netherlands Film Academy, the Immersive Media department (IMVFX). The VR Academy was started in 2017 with the aim of stimulating innovation and cross-fertilization between educational institutions and the business community. Students from all academies of the Amsterdam School of the Arts can initially at the VRAcademy become acquainted with the latest techniques, such as VR, AR and Mixed Reality, through collaboration and investigate what these new techniques can mean for them within their own field. Read more