Academic integrity

In order to be able to guarantee the quality and reliability of research, academic integrity is of essential importance.  The guiding principles in this regard are: fairness, meticulousness, transparency, independence and responsibility. The principles of proper and ethical academic practice, and the norms for good research practices ensuing from this, are clearly formulated in the Dutch Code of Conduct for Academic Integrity (Nederlandse Gedragscode Wetenschappelijke Integriteit), partly drawn up by the Netherlands Association of Universities of Applied Sciences (Vereniging Hogescholen).  
The Code fulfils a threefold role:  

  1. It offers an educational and normative framework to researchers, researchers in training and students for their research activities.
  2. The Code provides university boards and committees for academic integrity with an assessment framework when assessing alleged breaches of academic integrity.
  3. This Code formulates a number of duties of care for the institutions.

At present, an academic integrity committee is under development in cooperation with ArtEZ and the HKU. The AHK hopes to appoint a confidential adviser for academic integrity in the short term. You will soon be able to find more information about this.

The Code of Conduct can be found on the website of the Netherlands Association of Universities of Applied Sciences (in Dutch only).  
