Teacher as Activist/Artist
For this PhD I will build on the outcomes of my previous research Dealing with the real stuff. Design research into interdisciplinary citizenship education through the integration of civic and arts education(Roos, 2020) and focus on developing a pedagogical approach for student teachers to help learners to engage in social change, based on the practices of contemporary activists (for a more interdisciplinary focus, outside the realm of mere art) and activist artists. To do so, in this PhD I will further explore the methods of activists and activist artists and the (artistic) strategies they use to address social issues, through ethnographic fieldwork within activist and activist art practices (e.g. artists, hackers, designers) and literature study.
The outcomes of this fieldwork will be translated in a model for interdisciplinary arts and citizenship education. This model will guide the design of an interdisciplinary teacher training program for student teachers in both arts and citizenship education (Amsterdam University of the Arts, Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences). The training program will be evaluated and based on the findings a definite model for the interdisciplinary arts and citizenship education program will be established. During the training student teachers will design a series of interdisciplinary lessons, which they will implement and execute in the educational practice. The educational design, their subject matter and pedagogy are based on the model that I will develop in the course of my research project.
Nathalie Roos is a teacher, researcher, cultural anthropologist, and activist, specialised in artistic activism and activist art pedagogy.
Nathalie Roos obtained her teaching qualifications at the Fine Art and Design teacher training course at the Amsterdam University of the Arts (AHK). She subsequently studied Cultural Anthropology at the University of Amsterdam and completed the interdisciplinary master of Education in Arts (AHK). Nathalie worked in a studio for homeless artists, as an educational designer at BAK – basis for art and knowledge, and she set up art educational projects with her EMIC foundation, in which various groups (for example young people and homeless people) worked together on current social issues and contemporary art.
Since 2017, Nathalie has been working as a teacher at the Breitner Academy (AHK) and as a researcher at the Research Group Arts Education (AHK). Currently, she is a PhD candidate in the department of Arts and Culture at the Erasmus University Rotterdam. For her PhD she builds on the outcomes of her previous research Dealing with the real stuff. Design research into interdisciplinary citizenship education through the integration of civic and arts education (Roos, 2020) and focuses on developing a pedagogical approach for student teachers’ arts and social sciences, based on the practices of contemporary activist artists. To do so, in her PhD she explores visions, methods, hopes, dreams, and dilemmas of activist artists and the (artistic) strategies they use to address urgent social issues, through ethnographic fieldwork within activist art practices and literature study. The outcomes of this fieldwork will be translated in the design of an interdisciplinary teacher training program for student teachers in both arts and social sciences (in collaboration with the Amsterdam University of the Arts, the University of Applied Sciences Amsterdam, and Framer Framed).
Contact: nathalie.roos@ahk.nl
Publicaties, presentaties en workshops
Roos, N. (2022). Elke grap is een kleine revolutie, Kunstzone, 22(3),20-23.
Bremmer, M., Heijnen, E., Hotze, A., Van Dartel, M., Roos, N., Arets, D., Stubbe, J., Van Keulen, H., Noordegraaf-Eelens, L., & Van der Sande, R. (2021). ArtsSciences-onderwijs: een onderzoeksagenda. Amsterdam: Lectorenplatform onderwijs op het snijvlak van kunst, wetenschap en technologie.
Bremmer, M., Heijnen, E., Hotze, A., Pijls, M., Beamer, E., & Roos, N. (2021). ArtsSciences Design-a-thon: solving complex problems in interdisciplinary teams. European Journal of STEM Education, 6(1), 11
Roos, N. (2020). Dealing with the real stuff. Amsterdam. NL: Lectoraat Kunsteducatie, Amsterdamse Hogeschool voor de Kunsten.
Roos, N. (2020). Dealing with the real stuff.Activistische kunst in het voortgezet onderwijs. Kunstzone, 19(1), 8-11.
Hotze, A., Bremmer, M., Heijnen, E., Pijls, M., Beamer, E., & Roos, N. (2019). ArtsSciences designathon. Pressure cooker voor aankomende leraren die vanuit verschillende disciplines samenwerken aan een vakoverstijgende ontwerptaak. Velon, 40(3), 196-206.
Heijnen, E., Bremmer, M., Hotze, A., Van Dartel, M., Pijls, M., Keulen, H., Rijken, D., & Roos, N. (2019). ArtsSciences-onderwijs: een onderzoeksagenda. Amsterdam: Lectorenplatform onderwijs op het snijvlak van kunst, wetenschap en technologie.
Bremmer, M., Heijnen, E., Hotze, A., Roos, N. & Pijls, M. (2019). Designathon: Een interdisciplinaire pressure cooker. Kunstzone, 18(4), pp. 14-15
Presentaties en workshops
Kunst, activisme en burgerschap, discussiegroep tijdens opening CASE (Amsterdam, 2022).
'Arts, activism, citizenship and education', gastcollege bachelorstudenten Erasmus Universiteit (Rotterdam, 2022)
Presentatie Dealing with the real stuff, MBO Raad (Apeldoorn, 2021)
Leernetwerk Dealing with the real stuff, Stichting Cultuurprofielscholen (2021)
Nascholing Dealing with the real stuff, Breitner Academie (Amsterdam, 2021)
Dealing with the real stuff, workshop docentopleiding beeldende kunst en vormgeving (Maastricht, 2021)
'Dealing with the real stuff' over kunst, activisme, kunst- en burgerschapsonderwijs, presentatie symposium kunst als burgerschapsonderwijs, LKCA en Lectoraat KE (online, 2021)
'Dealing with the real stuff' over kunst, activisme, kunst- en burgerschapsonderwijs, presentatie Stichting Cultuurprofielscholen (online, 2021)
'Dealing with the real stuff' over kunst, activisme, kunst- en burgerschapsonderwijs, masterclass docentenopleiding beeldende kunst en vormgeving (Maastricht, online, 2021)
‘Dealing with the real stuff’, presentatie Alumnidag MAKE (Amsterdam, 2019)
‘Dealing with the real stuff’, presentatie Alumnidag Breitner Academie (Amsterdam, 2019)
‘Dealing with the real stuff’, presentatie InSea Conferentie (Canada, Vancouver, 2019)
Free Spaces; kunst, activisme en burgerschap (Breitner Academie en Hogeschool van Amsterdam, 2022) Minor lerarenopleiding
Roos, N. (2021). Podcast Kunst, activisme en burgerschapsonderwijs. Amsterdam. NL: lectoraat Kunsteducatie.