Special Issue: STEM & Arts Education 


ONLINE PUBLICATION: November 17, 2021

Editor-in-Chief: Dr. Hanno van Keulen, Windesheim University
Assistant-Editor: Dr. Rianne van den Berghe

Guest Editing: Platform Arts/Sciences, The Netherlands (Dr. Danielle Arets, Stella Blok MA, Dr. Melissa Bremmer, Dr. Emiel Heijnen, Dr. Anna Hotze, Dr. Anne Nigten, Dr. Liesbeth Noordegraaf-Elens, Nathalie Roos MA, Dr. Janine Stubbe, Dr. Michel van Dartel, Dr. Rutger van de Zande)

Call for papers: European Journal of STEM Education

The European Journal of STEM Education is an open access, academic, peer reviewed international journal that publishes original research related to STEM education. The aim is to contribute to scholarly understanding of teaching and learning practices and policies in the area of STEM, as well as to contribute to the improvement of educational practices. Read more about the journal on our webpage.

For our Special Issue on STEM & ARTS EDUCATION we invite you to submit articles that focus on the mutual contributions of STEM and the Arts to teaching and learning. For this special issue, no fee is levied.

The Special Issue will be published and presented on the occasion of the international symposium on STEM & The Arts, to be held in the Netherlands on November 18, 2021. This symposium is organized by the Dutch Platform Arts/Sciences, which is sponsored by the Dutch Research Council NWO.

Contributions may be empirical or conceptual. They may focus on specific designs, materials, or technologies but also on more generic qualities, such as imagination, curiosity, creativity, critical thinking, cultural sensitivity, cooperation or executive functioning. There should be a clear relation to development or (formal) learning and schools: day care, pre-K, Kindergarten, primary/elementary, secondary, vocational, higher education, and/or in teacher training colleges.

We invite you to first submit a proposal outlining your ideas. The guest editors will select the proposals that suit the special issue. They will notify you and keep in touch with you during the process. We plan a ‘round robin’ review procedure, which means that we expect authors to contribute to the review process.

Task and due date

  • Notification of the Special Issue: 18 March 2021 
  • Proposals submitted (appr. 600 words containing an outline of the future manuscript; additional information can be included in an Appendix): 18 April 2021
  • Proposals selected by Editors; authors notified: 25 April 2021
  • First version of manuscript submitted: 09 July 2021
  • Reviews and feedback returned to authors ASAP; latest 7 September Reviews returned to authors
  • Revision and, if necessary, editing of manuscripts, in close contact with the editorial team: 07 September – 17 October 2021
  • Submission of final manuscripts (max. 8.000 words): 17 October 2021
  • Special Issue published: 17 November 2021

We are looking forward receiving your proposals and manuscripts through our digital Editorial System. Read more on the submission guidelines on the website, where you will also find the button for submitting your proposal and manuscript. When you read this in print, the URL is www.lectitopublishing.nl/european-journal-of-stem-education/submission-guidelines.

Final article: Max 8000 words including notes and works cited (shorter is no problem). Visuals allowed. Please include an abstract of about 350 words, including background, methods, results and implications.
