An Academy 2005
Theater Gasthuis and the research group Art Practice and Development have taken the initiative to invite ten young practitioners from theater, dance and music to interact intensively with this year’s Holland Festival – as if it was an academy.
What is your practice? How do you relate to the artistic practice of others? What are your doubts? What haunts you? Where do you need to go? And how will your thinking evolve throughout an intense dialogue with peers at this years Holland Festival?
For young, local practitioners, the Holland Festival provides a rare opportunity to engage with the international ‘state of the art’ and confront their own artistic discourse with the practice and vision of renowned professional colleagues. For eleven days participants have been hosted at the central spot of the festival (the Muziekgebouw aan ‘t IJ); they have been offered tickets, introductions to guest artists, had access to the contextual program and – most important – were fairly self-responsible for the direction this unique encounter had taken.
Participants were:
Nicole Beutler (Amsterdam) choreographer, theatre maker, performer, co-founder of LISA graduated at the School for New Dance Development
Andrea Bozic (Amsterdam) choreographer, performer graduated at the School for New Dance Development and Dance Unlimited
Igor Dobricic (Amsterdam) theatre and dance dramaturge, arts programmer at the European Cultural Foundation graduated at the Academy of Dramatic Arts in Belgrade
Laura van Dolron (Amsterdam) theatre maker, writer, performer graduated at the Academy of Dramatic Arts in Maastricht
Nathan Fuhr (Berlin) conductor, performer, trance-researcher graduated at the Conservatory of Amsterdam
Carolien Hermans (Amsterdam) choreographer, performer, dance-researcher graduated at the Catholic University of Nijmegen, the Fontys Dance Academy in Tilburg and Dance Unlimited
Nanine Linning (Amsterdam) choreographer, dancer, former house choreographer of Scapino Ballet graduated at the Rotterdam Dance Academy
Nicola Nord (Amsterdam) theatre maker, performer, student at DasArts, co-founder andcompany&Co. graduated at the Johann Wolfgang Goethe University, Frankfurt
Olivier Provily (Amsterdam) theatre director, permanent director at Zuidelijk Toneel in Eindhoven graduated at the directing department of the Theatre School in Amsterdam
Basten Stokhuyzen (The Hague) musician, sound artist student Image and Sound Interfaculty of the Royal Conservatory in The Hague
Tatyana van Walsum (Amsterdam) scenographer graduated at the Wimbledon School of Art and at the Motley Theatre Design Course in London
Performances by Nicola Nord, Joachim Schlömer, Alison Isadora, Cees Krijnen, Nancy Mauro-Flude, Kees Roorda, Nicola Unger, Peter Sellars, Rob Zuidam, Guy Cassiers, Johan Simons, Laura van Dolron, MAO, Laurie Anderson, Sir John Tavener. Lecture by Ong Keng Sen.