Publicaties (selectie)
- Op een andere manier lopen (translated: Walking a different way), by Hester van Hasselt & Marijke Hoogenboom, in: rekto:verso nr. 69 December 2015 - Januari 2016.
- Geen verbinding zonder besmetting (translated: No connection without contamination) , interview with Dominique Willaert & Jeanne van Heeswijk by Marijke Hoogenboom & Wouter Hillaert, in: rekto:verso nr. 69 December 2015 - Januari 2016
- Van olie naar Graduate School, Hester van Hasselt in conversation with Marijke Hoogenboom for de Theaterschool, 2016.
- Moestuin van het cultuurlandschap (translated: Growing the arts in the cultural landscape), in: ON AIR 2015-16, Amsterdam University of the Arts.
- De nakende school, (translated: The School Unbound) in: rekto:verso nr. 68 Oktober - November 2015
- Künstlerische Forschung in den Niederlanden und an der Amsterdam University of the Arts, in: Frankfurt in Takt 15/2 Künstlerische Forschung.
- Lecture For Every One in Darmstadt Germany, 29 and 30 July 2014.
- Skills of the 21st century (translated: Skills of the 21st Century), in: ON AIR 2014-15, Amsterdam University of the Arts.
- 'Imagine things otherwise', A text for the 10th anniversary of the Hessische Theaterakademie, 7 december 2012
- Beitrag 'Alphabet der Transdiszuplinären Forsung', Graduiertenkolleg Versammlung und Teilhabe, Urbane Öffentlichkeiten und performative Künste,, 2012 Hamburg Germany.
- 'Het lectoraat is een motor voor innovatie', interview by Moos van de Broek with Nirav Christophe, Marijke Hoogenboom and Pascal Gielen, Theatermaker October 2012, Amsterdam
- Columns ON AIR, views and voices from the Artist in Residence programme at the Amsterdam University of the Arts. Vol. 1, September 2010, Vol. 2 March 2011, Vol. 3 October 2011, Vol. 4 June 2012, Vol. 5 December 2012.
- Christoph Schlingensief: Fear at the Core of Things, Metropolis M, no3 June/July 2012, Amsterdam.
- Land unter in den Niederlanden, Theater der Zeit, Schauplatz Ruhr, January 2012, Berlin.
- Comment vivre ensemble, Notes on Tele_Trust, RTRSRCH, Vol.3 No.2, Amsterdam 2011.
- We doen aan mensen, toespraak uitreiking Prijs van de Kritiek aan de Nederlandse theater- en dansproductiehuizen in Frascati 2011.
- On ignorance, emancipation and the art academy, in: Terry Barrett (ed.), Art works, People respond to contemporary art, Thieme Art, Deventer/Amsterdam 2010.
- Building with blocks, in: Theatre, Dance and Performance Training, Vol. 1(1), February 2010, Routledge, Oxfordshire.
- If artistic research is the answer – what is the question? Some notes on a new trend in art education, in: Victoria Pérez Royo, José Antonio Sánchez (eds.), Practice and Research, Cairon 13, Journal of Dance Studies, Universidad de Alcalá 2010.
- Recht auf Risiko, Theater der Zeit, April 2009, Heft 4, Berlin.
- Pina ist tot, Nederlands Toneelverbond,, Amsterdam 2009.
- Who is afraid of (art) education? Some indecent proposals, in: Ulrike Melzwig, Marten Spangberg, Nina Thielicke (eds.), Reverse Engineering Education in Dance, Choreography and the Performing Arts, follow-up reader for MODE05, b_books, Berlin 2007.
- Conditions for Research, in: Bertha Bermudez, Scott deLahunta (eds.), Capturing Intention, Documentation, analysis and notation research based on the work of Emio Greco/PC, Amsterdam 2007.
- Together with Alexander Karschnia, Na(ar) het theater, After Theatre?, Supplements to the international conference on postdramatic theatre, Amsterdam 2007.
- Let's suppose the academy is a place for artists…, Preface for AIR#0, a publication to capture the first four years of Artists in residence at the Amsterdam University of the Arts, Amsterdam 2007.