Public Sharing of Students Material

vrijdag 09 maart 2018, 20:00 - 22:00 uur
DAS Graduate School
Overhoeksplein 2
1031 KS Amsterdam

Since their last presentation, the first year students have worked on research through imagery with Italian theatre maker Simone Derai, and on research through movement with Brazilian choreographer, Marcelo Evelin.

In their second public presentation, each of the 10 students will present a short performance work exploring issues, themes, narratives and tensions that have arisen out of the myth that each of them is working on during the block. With: Rodrigo Batista, Ana Vilela da Costa, Billy Mullaney, Ira Brand, Samara Hersch, Brogan Davison, Max Gold, Tim Blaauw, Genevieve Clare Georgina Florence Murphy, Ingrid Vranken

Attendance is free, attendance is free, but seating is limited. Reserve your place with an email to:

DAS Theatre has invited South African playwright and director Brett Bailey to curate the Block 'The Mything Link – Breaking Stories form the Dawn of Time’ for the academic year 2017-2018. Starting from an engagement with myth in his own work, Bailey wish to contextualize, deepen and expand his fascination has led to the following questions: What ancient, unconscious, cultural meanings and knowledge do myths hold for us today? How can myths resonate with the fraught era in which we are living? What harmful prejudices do they perpetuate, and how can we rid them of those prejudices?

Are ancient myths still relevant for us today? Definitely, says South African playwright and director Brett Bailey. He currently curates the DAS Theatre study programme The Mything Link: Breaking Stories form the Dawn of Time. 'Myths are like stones that have rolled down a river over millenia’. Read the interview.

Several public events are planned – some open for a general audience, some for a smaller, invited audience. These are moments the block ‘opens up’ to the outside world, and DAS Theatre shares the artistic resources of the block: Curators Labs, contextual evenings with guest speakers alongside block teachers and presentation evenings where the work developed by students is shown. Keep an eye out on our Facebook page for all the latest information.
