De groep Theaterschool-studenten van Familiealbum heeft op FIST 09 twee prijzen gewonnen. Lien Baelde (2e jaars Moderne Theaterdans) heeft de prijs voor beste performer gewonnen. Verder heeft Familiealbum de Grand Prix voor de beste performance gewonnen.
Het fysieke theaterstuk Familiealbum is door Hendrik Walther, 3e jaars Techniek en Theater, en Franziska Menge, 3e jaars Docent Dans, in maart 2013 uit eigen initiatief opgezet.
Familiealbum was uitgenodigd om op het Festival of International Student Theatre - FIST 09 in Belgrado te spelen van 7-10 november 2013.
The jury about Familiealbum FIST Grand Prix Award:
Discipline, consistency, unity in style and above all - an invaluable team work that at the same time, allows us to see unique individual colours is something that circles this firm theatre piece as a whole. The seriousness of the topic that was chosen was told through a fresh, new and an authentic way and it corresponded with the members of the jury. We admired the feeling and the rhythm they created concerning family values but also this shows statement of the imposed structures and an exhausting inability to cope with the imposed forms.
The jury about Familiealbum best performer award:
In her performance she showed an exceptional commitment and presence. Through a show that has almost military coordination and is quite one sided in style, in the best possible way, she is still able to carve a remarkable uniqueness and personality in the performance that is centered, witty and exciting. She succeeded in something, which is not realistic acting. Through something that is not a classic realistic acting expression she was able to convey a full blown character. Her performance brought Lien Baelde from the Family Album for the best performer award.
Concept en vormgeving: Franziska Menge (DD3) en Hendrik Walther (OTT3); Performers: Bess Kuil (DD3), Thomas van Gerwen (DD2), Lien Baelde (MTD2), Jantien Fick (TD1) en Veerle Ruizendaal; Sound design: Bauke Moerman (OTT 3)