Vesna Petresin has helped kickstart the TransDisciplinary Atelier in which she will run hackathons. AHK students of any school or level of study are invited to join. The first edition will take place from Friday 20 until Sunday 22 september 2019 at the Marineterrein in Amsterdam. Sign up here.
What is a hackathon?
These short, intense weekend events will explore how we can create concepts and work together to make immersive environments without restrictions to the tools, softwares or equipment used.
What will we do at the hackathon?
In the first Hackathon of the “Resonance” series, we will meet for a 2,5 day intensive weekend workshop. We will mix creative disciplines, media and the environment. We will experiment and learn from each other and push the boundaries of our skills and knowledge. We will make exciting concepts and storyboards for a “smart city” experience on Amsterdam’s Marineterrein.
What will you need?
Bring your own equipment: laptop, instrument, paint, voice, body, camera, props, recording devices… anything that helps you shape and present your ideas. Bring an open-minded attitude, an interest in experimenting, meeting new people, learning new creative skills.
What will this hackathon give you?
You will learn how to imagine, visualise and present interactive experiences.
You will learn how to develop concepts and storyboards for immersive media.
It will challenge familiar approaches, invite you to experiment and cross disciplines.
It will give you tools for better collaboration in groups working on large or small creative productions. You will make your concept for a “smart walk” interactive experience on Marine Terrein, which will be presented to the Amsterdam city and the AHK community.
Do you want to join the hackathons?
Please register here and keep the weekend free from Friday evening 20 September (18.30) until Sunday 22 September (18.00). If you have any questions please contact
More info about the TransDisciplinary Atelier: