SinemaDansAnkara is dance film festival taking place for the first time in Ankara/Turkey and is a collaboration between ARES Production, Ankara Goethe Institute and The Netherlands Embassy in Ankara. It is created with the support of the Turkish Ministry of Tourism and Culture General Directorate of Cinema, Bilkent University, and the international coordination of Mind Your Moves. Cinedans, one of Europe’s most prestigious dance film festival based in The Netherlands, supports the festival’s content.
The festival presents 100 dance films from 27 countries free of charge to the audience. The festival kicks off with 8 world premiere films by Turkish directors. The festival includes 3 dance films of Modern Theatre Dance students: Wilhelm Blomberg (director), Lena Schattenberg and Charlotte Petersen (choreography & performance) and Martina Gabrielli (choreography and performance).
Besides screenings, the festival offers 2 lectures on the history and aesthetics of dance and 2 workshops – Dervish Whirling and Dance Film Production, and a dance photography exhibition.
Maria Ines Villasmil, teacher at SNDO, is guest trainer at the Dance Film Production workshop and presents the Dance & Camera module, which she teaches at SNDO. Villasmil’s lecture is made possible with the kind support of the Amsterdam School of the Arts, de Theaterschool.
Zeynep Gündüz, teacher dance history and theory at Modern Theatre Dance and National Ballet Academy, presents lecture on the history and aesthetics of dance film and works as dramaturg at the Dance Film Production workshop. She is also international coordinator of the festival.